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UNCRC Articles 3, 28, 29 and 42

The Government of Jersey expect pupil’s attendance to be at 96%. As a school, we are promoting improved attendance for pupils and raising awareness of the importance of good school attendance. We are absolutely committed to making sure every child is successful and have a duty of care to ensure pupils receives full-time education unless there is a very good reason for absence.

The average attendance at Les Landes for the Autumn Term 2023 was 95%. Our target is 96% and we monitor any pupil that falls below this figure.

School attendance and absence (

Parents/carers are required by article 12 of the Education (Jersey) Law 1999 to ensure that if their children of compulsory school age (aged five to 16) receive a full time education. This is either by registering a child at a school, or by arranging an alternative to school.

Please click HERE to visit the Government of Jersey website explaining policies and guidance relating to school attendance. 

Sometimes there are underlying reasons why a child does not attend school, or want to come into school. If at any time you encounter any difficulties please speak to us we are here to help. 


Is my child too ill for School? 

It can be tricky deciding whether or not to keep your child off school if they are ill, we have included some useful tips on how to assess whether your child is too unwell for school. If your child becomes unwell at school, we will contact you and ask you to collect your child.

Any absence from school must be reported each morning using the links on this website with the reason for absence. there are two registration sessions in the school day so you can send your child in later if their condition improves, Every session counts! There are clear Government guidelines for schools to say when children should be kept off and when they shouldn't. The guidance below includes information on common childhood illnesses. it is vital to follow this guidance.  

Coughs and Colds : It is fine to send your child to school with a mild cough or cold. However, if they have a fever or temperature please keep them home until the temperature has subsided. 

Sore throat: You can still send your child to school if they have a sore throat, again if accompanied by a fever they should stay at home. 

Menstrual Cramps: School should not be missed due to menstrual cramps. It is important for your child to have sanitary products with them at all time, however there are free products on site at school if necessary. It is a good idea to have a spare pair of underwear in case of emergency. Consider whether medication should be held by the school for your child if for recurring nauseu and pain. Please make your child aware that all staff are prepared to help with this situation if if occurs.


Arriving at school on time enables students to have time to settle in before learning commences and makes for a calm start to their day. Our doors open at 8.30am and pupils must be in class for registration by 8.45am. We understand that there may be the odd occasion that you may be late and in this instance your child will need to come through the front door and will be marked late in the register. If a pupil is persistently late we will formulate a punctuality plan and if there is still no improvement in your child’s punctuality we may need to take further action, which could result in a referral to the Education Welfare Team for further support. Please contact us if you wish to dicuss your child's punctuality.

Family Holidays and Term Time Leave

Please ensure that family holidays and any other leave are arranged outside of school term time. Parents should not remove their child from school during term time without having first requested a leave of absence by using the relevant contact us form on this website. All requests for absence will be responded to by email and will only be authorised in exceptional circumstances in line with  Government policy. All term dates and INSET days are available on the school website and

Competitive Sporting Events

At times it is necessary to travel off island for Competitive sporting events. Please use the form provided to notify the school. These are considered on a case by case basis, but these may be recorded as authorised we may request further proof of participation, Government policy permits children to have authorised leave if they are representing Jersey. 

Travel Disruption

We are very aware that at times you may be impacted by travel disruption which cannot be avoided. Please notify the school at your earliest possible moment of any delay in attending school. We will require proof of travel amendments to be sent to the email address to authorise this type of absence. 

Please use the online forms provided to notify the school of absence, medical appointments and to request leave in term time. 

Thank you for your support in helping to raise attendance, if you need support of advce relating to your child's attendance please contact Emma Le Monnier on