Parent Forum
Aims of the Parent Forum:
To improve the way the school communicates with parents.
To increase the number of parents that are involved in strategic decision making across areas of the school that impact on the lives of the pupils and their families.
To be open to all parents and representative of all parents across the community.
Key responsibilities of the Parents’ Forum:
1. To provide support and advice to the school on how best to engage and communicate with parents.
2. To ensure that parents are represented on all key decision-making groups.
3. To build and maintain a strong working relationship with key decision-making groups.
4. To share information about the Parents’ Forum and key decision-making groups with parents in the school community
5. To carry out any agreed actions in the annual school development plan.
Meetings are termly, open to all families and the agenda is shared in advance. Parents have the opportunity to add items to the agenda. Items are categorised as 'for information' or 'for discussion'. The school will endeavour to run a free creche during this time, to enable as many parents to attend as possible. One of the termly meetings per year will be held in the evening.