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Rights Respecting School

Do you know what your rights are? 

Click on the attached documents to find out more.

Click on our Rights Respecting School Updates to see how we have been developing knowledge of the UNCRC. 

(UNCRC Article 42)


Success in achieving Gold 


On 15th June 2021, Les Landes School was awarded UNICEF’s Gold Rights Respecting School Award. This award is underpinned by the principles of the UNCRC and achieving this award means that we put children’s rights at the very heart of everything that we do. We chose to work towards this award, as we want our children to grow into caring, respectful and responsible citizens, both within our school and the wider community. We are incredibly proud of our children and the commitment that they have shown to learning about their rights and using this to guide their interactions with one another and to shape their view of the world in which we live. This award recognises all the work that we do to ensure that our children are advocates for children’s rights and that we are working as global citizens to make our world a better place. These are some of the many things that we have done in school to recognise children’s rights: 

  • A special Rights Respecting Certificate Award in assembly to recognise rights respecting behaviour 

  • Class charters outlining behaviour expectations in our classrooms 

  • Our Rights Respecting Council who use their voice to help to improve our school 

  • Fundraising for House Charities 

  • Assemblies to support special calendar events such as Anti-Bullying week, World Mental Health Day, Armistice and International Children’s Day 


Celebrating Silver 

We achieved the Rights Respecting Silver Award in December 2019. This award is granted by Unicef UK to schools that are embedding children’s rights throughout the school in their policies, practice and ethos. We are extremely proud of our children and our whole school community, as we have worked to promote children’s rights within our school. Our children spoke enthusiastically about our rights respecting journey and the impact on their interactions with others both in and out of school.
Our report from Unicef states that children ‘were passionate about the importance and relevance of children’s rights in school and beyond. Children described how they value being a rights respecting school because it helps them to know their rights and “keeps them safe.” ‘ The UNCRC underpins all that we do in school and our Rights Respecting Silver Award is a lovely way to recognise this.




The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child is displayed in each classroom in our school. We wrote to the Children’s Commissioner and asked her for these colourful posters to support us in our Rights Respecting Journey (Article 12: Respect for the views of the child)

THE UNCRC sets out a child’s rights to:

  • Survive and have good health

  • Be protected from harm

  • Develop their talents and skills

  • Participate in the world to which they belong.

Class Charters 

Each class in our school has a Rights Respecting Charter on display. These Charters are created at the beginning of the year by our children. We discuss our rights and highlight the UNCRC articles that we feel are most relevant in our classrooms. We then collaborate to create a list of actions that we will carry out to ensure that the rights of others are respected. We all sign our charter in some way, to show that we are committed.

Our School Charter 

Meet Rocco our Rights Respecting Owl

We are a Rights Respecting Community
We are honest and fair
We treat others equally
We use kind words and actions
We listen
We look after our environment
We try our best
By following our school charter, we show respect for ourselves and for others.

(UNCRC Articles 12, 13, 19 & 24)
Children's Commissioner
Please click on the link below to access the Children's Commissioner  website

The following link will direct you to a summary of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child:

Click here to see the UNCRC - Summary

On 15th June 2021, Les Landes School was awarded UNICEF’s Gold Rights Respecting School Award. This award is underpinned by the principles of the UNCRC and achieving this award means that we put children’s rights at the very heart of everything that we do. We chose to work towards this award, as we want our children to grow into caring, respectful and responsible citizens, both within our school and the wider community. We are incredibly proud of our children and the commitment that they have shown to learning about their rights and using this to guide their interactions with one another and to shape their view of the world in which we live. This award recognises all the work that we do to ensure that our children are advocates for children’s rights and that we are working as global citizens to make our world a better place. These are some of the many things that we have done in school to recognise children’s rights: 

  • A special Rights Respecting Certificate Award in assembly to recognise rights respecting behaviour 

  • Class charters outlining behaviour expectations in our classrooms 

  • Our Rights Respecting Council who use their voice to help to improve our school 

  • Fundraising for House Charities 

  • Assemblies to support special calendar events such as Anti-Bullying week, World Mental Health Day, Armistice and International Children’s Day