We have received recognition from Just One Tree for our commitment to planting trees. In the last three years we have planted a total of 815 trees. Our school's forest will now remove approximately 251.02 tonnes of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere over the next 25 years. Our effort will help global reforestation efforts clean the air we breathe, clean the water we drink, increase biodiversity, protect against deforestation, improve livelihoods and most importantly combat climate change.
Sports Day -
UNCRC article #29
The children are to be congratulated on a fantastic morning! They gave 100% and our core values of community, achievement and pride shone through. Thank you for your support -our Les Landes community at its best.
Mrs Wiseman should be able to confirm spaces by the middle of next week. If you need to request a change of days etc please et her know by Monday 1st July. We are trying our best to accommodate everyone who needs a space, but numbers are limited.
Please can you ensure that any outstanding balances are paid no later than Friday 5th.
Breakfast Club and Safeguarding
UNCRC article #3
This week we reviewed some of our procedures around safeguarding and this included Breakfast Club. As a result of this, we would like to make a change and give a clarification, so that children are safe.
Clarification - Children are not able to access the school site until 07:45, when Breakfast Club opens and is staffed. Children are not allowed to be dropped and play unsupervised on the field before this time.
Change - Parents who wish to accompany children to the entrance of Y4 should leave their child at the door and not come into the school. If there is something to pass on to the class teacher, this may need to be a phone call or email.
Thank you for your understanding.
Parent Forum
UNCRC article #3
The agenda is as follows:
For information:
Government capital building projects update – office, servery, play equipment, Asbestos removal, breakfast club kitchen
School development plan update – end of year data
Staffing for September
New Government Complaints Policy and what it means for us
For discussion:
Summer fayre ideas
Uniform supplier feedback
Items from parents:
Query about Primary Athletics Championships
Bank Holiday
School will be closed on Monday 15th July.
Transition Day
On Thursday next week, all children will spend the day in their new class. They will enter through the new class door, they won't go to their existing class at all. Y1/2 will be dismissed from their new class. Y3/4 are collected from the grass patch by the front gate, with Y5/6 gathering on the other side. Teachers will bring the KS2 classes out to this area. If you are unsure where this is, please ask a member of staff. Please can all children wear PE kit next Thursday.
We wish our Y6 children good luck as they attend their secondary school for two days next week.
Check the link to the Cycle Crocodile facebook page to see what they are up to follow our facebook page by clicking here Cycle Crocodile. Please contact the school office if you would like your child to join the group.
If you need to contact the school with any queries please check our web page for links to our online forms Contact Us