Welcome back to the Spring Term. The children have settled back into school really well and have started new learning as well as consolidating learning from last term. Thank you for adhering to the uniform policy too, this has been noticable. The curriculum information for each year group has been uploaded and can be accessed here:
We want to be proactive in our support for parents around raising awareness of online risks, rather than responding after something has gone wrong. This is the third (and final) opportunity to complete this survey - please take a few minutes to do this so that we can plan support based around need. The survey will close next Friday 17th January.
Check the link to the Cycle Crocodile facebook page to see what they are up to follow our facebook page by clicking here Cycle Crocodile. Please contact the school office if you would like your child to join the group.
If you need to contact the school with any queries please check our web page for links to our online forms Contact Us